We treat the CAUSE to cure your pain.

This is the pre treatment length of his hamstrings
This is the pre treatment length of his hamstrings

A fantastic example of how our ethos works – “We treat the CAUSE to cure your pain.”

Pain free
Pain free


This young gentleman attended with a history of 4 years thoracic spine pain, he had previously sought treatment with a chiropractor but had no improvement after 15 sessions, also a sports therapist couldn’t help.

On examination his clinical picture didn’t fit with a thoracic cause to the issues. He is very sporty and was unable to play any sport without suffering afterwards. He reported he had grown 9 inches in 3 years when he as younger. He had adverse neural tension (tight nerves) and incredibly tight hamstrings, only 35 degrees of movement.

I advised on a programme of stretches which were specific to his hamstrings and neural mobilisations.

After only 2 1/2 weeks he is pain free and has returned to full sport with no issues and hamstrings a yoga teacher would be proud of.

Whatever your pain we will find the cause and cure the pain.


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