The pelvic floor is mainly related by clinicians to female issues post partum, however it is also the essential area to have control for other issues including BACK PAIN and groin problems. The abdominal cavity is like a barrel, there are supporting muscles around the front (transversus abdominus) and the back (multifidous), these are like […]
When you have a pain or injury there is a lot of choice as who to see, what type of therapist and which clinic, you need to make the correct one to maximise your chance of improving. We offer a specialist expertise which provides you with an individual assessment concentrating on the CAUSE to your problem […]
Have you got a shoulder problem? Acute or chronic we can fix it for you. There are many reasons people experience shoulder pain – Injury – falls are common in all age groups and doing many sports. Age – as we get older the rotator cuff degenerates and by our 6th to 8th decade nearly […]
Tis the season to be singing up for the gym…. which is the message out there, however I believe, Tis the season to find some exercise you enjoy and CHANGE PACE. Every year there is a rush of new year resolutions where people feel under pressure to lose the turkey weight and start afresh. There is […]