Date: May 2022

Version Created By: Phillip Wilson

Initial Policy     


1. Policy Statement

2. Scope

3. Principles

4. Information Security

5. Information Quality Assurance

6. Legal and Trusted Related Policies 7. Improvement Plan and Assessment 8. DSPT Management

9. Training


Appendix 1 The Twyford Clinic Policies and Legal Acts

 1. Policy Statement

The Twyford Clinic recognises the importance of reliable information, both in terms of the clinical management of individual patients and the efficient management of services and resources. Information governance plays a key part in supporting clinical governance, service planning and performance management.

It also gives assurance to The Twyford Clinic and to individuals that personal information is dealt with legally, securely, efficiently and effectively, in order to deliver the best possible care.

The Twyford Clinic will establish and maintain policies and procedures to ensure compliance with requirements contained within the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT)

2. Scope

This policy covers all aspects of information within the organisation, including (but not limited to):

• Patient/Client/Service User information

• Personnel information

• Organisational information

This policy covers all aspects of handling information, including (but not limited to):

• Structured record systems – paper and electronic

• Transmission of information – fax, e-mail, post and telephone

This policy covers all information systems purchased, developed and managed by/or on behalf

of, the organisation and any individual directly employed or otherwise by the organisation.

3. Principles

The Twyford Clinic recognises the need for an appropriate balance between openness and confidentiality in the management and use of information.

Information will be defined and where appropriate kept confidential, underpinning the principles of Caldicott and the regulations outlined in the Data Protection Act. Non-confidential information on The Twyford Clinic and its services will be available to the public through a variety of means, in line with The Twyford Clinic’s code of openness. Work will be undertaken to ensure compliance with the Freedom of Information Act.

Patients will have access to information relating to their own health care, options for treatment and their rights as patients. There will be clear procedures and arrangements for handling queries from patients and the public.

Integrity of information will be developed, monitored and maintained to ensure that it is appropriate for the purposes intended.

 Availability of information for operational purposes will be maintained within set parameters relating to its importance via appropriate procedures and computer system resilience.

The Twyford Clinic regards all identifiable personal information relating to patients as confidential, compliance with legal and regulatory framework will be achieved, monitored and maintained.

The Twyford Clinic regards all identifiable personal information relating to staff as confidential except where national policy on accountability and openness requires otherwise.

The Twyford Clinic will establish and maintain policies and procedures to ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act, Human Rights Act, the common law duty of confidentiality and the Freedom of Information Act.

Awareness and understanding of all staff, with regard to responsibilities, will be routinely assessed and appropriate training and awareness provided.

Risk assessment, in conjunction with overall priority planning of organisational activity will be undertaken to determine appropriate, effective and affordable data security and protection controls are in place.

4. Information Security

The Twyford Clinic will establish and maintain policies for the effective and secure management of its information assets and resources.

Audits will be undertaken or commissioned to assess information and IT security arrangements.

The Twyford Clinic’s Incident Reporting system will be used to report, monitor and investigate all breaches of confidentiality and security.

5. Information Quality Assurance

The Twyford Clinic will establish and maintain policies for information quality assurance and the effective management of records.

Audits will be undertaken or commissioned of Surrey Physio’s quality of data and records management arrangements.

The Practice Manager will be expected to take ownership of, and seek to improve, the quality of data within their services.

Wherever possible, information quality will be assured at the point of collection.

The Twyford Clinic will promote data quality through policies, procedures/user manual and training.

6. Legal and Trusted Related Policies

The Twyford Clinic has a comprehensive range of policies supporting the Data Security and Protection agenda; reference must be made to these alongside this policy. Legal and professional guidance should also be considered where appropriate. (Ref. Appendix 1)

7. Improvement Plan and Assessment

An assessment of compliance with requirements, within the Data Security and Protection (DSPT) will be undertaken each year. Annual reports and proposed action/development plans will be developed by the Director of The Twyford Clinic for to submission to the DSPT if required. The requirements are grouped into the following initiatives:

• Code of Confidentiality

• Data Protection

• Freedom of Information

• Health Records

• Information Governance Management

• Information Quality Assurance

• Information Security

8. DSPT Management

Data Security and Protection management across the organisation will be co-ordinated by the Data Security and Management. • The Directors of The Twyford Clinic,

The responsibilities of the Data Security and Management will include (but not be limited to):

  • Implementing the updated policies and procedures.

• Implementing the annual submission of compliance with requirements in the Data Security and Protection Toolkit and related action plan.

Data Security and Protection leads throughout at The Twyford Clinic will be central to the delivery of the data security and protection strategy.

9. Training

All appropriate training will be conducted each year.


 Appendix 1

The Twyford Clinic Related Policies

• Data Protection Policy

• Access to Personal Health Records Policy

• Information Security Policy

• Data Sharing and Guidance Policy

• Lifecycle Policy

• Professional codes of conduct from the HSPC, CSP and AACP

• Quality Policy

• Training Policy

• GDPR Privacy Notice Policy

Legal Acts

• Data Protection Act 2018

• Human Rights Act 2000

• Freedom of Information 2000

• Access to Health Records Act 1990 (where not superseded by the Data Protection Act)

• Computer Misuse Act 1990

• Copyright, designs and patents Act 1988 (as amended by the Copyright Computer programs regulations 1992

• Crime and Disorder Act 1998

• Electronic Communications Act 2000

• Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000